

It is possible to use the command line arguments to alter the configuration. To use this feature, simple use the parseFile or parseString helper API, passing as a third argument a vector of string with the following format: X.Y.Z=VALUE.


#include <Model.ac.h>
#include <ace/engine/Master.h>
#include <ace/model/Helper.h>
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include <string>

using namespace ace::model::Helper;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // Define CLI arguments

  TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("ACME Tool", ' ', "0.1");
  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cfgPath("c", "config", "Configuration file",
                                       true, "", "string", cmd);
  TCLAP::MultiArg<std::string> defPath("D", "define", "A=B statements", false,
                                       "string", cmd);
  cmd.parse(argc, argv);

  // Instantiate the configuration
  auto cfg = parseFile<my::ns::Model>(cfgPath.getValue(), defPath.getValue(),
                                      false, argc, argv);
  if (cfg == nullptr) return -1;

  // Use it !
  auto const & acme = *cfg;
  if (acme.has_intItem()) {
    std::cout << "int = " << acme.intItem() << std::endl;
  for (auto const & f : acme.floatItem()) {
    std::cout << "float = " << f << std::endl;
  for (auto const & b : acme.booleanItem()) {
    std::cout << "bool = " << b << std::endl;
  std::cout << "str = " << acme.stringItem() << std::endl;

  return 0;


./acme -c config_file.ini -D stringItem= -D stringItem="hello, world"


The parseFile or parseString helper expect a vector of strings with the following format: X.Y.Z=VALUE. X.Y.Z represents a path in the configuration tree. VALUE is the value that needs to be assigned to that path. The format used for the value is the same as the one use in the INI format. Altering the tree works as follows: