ACE is a model-based configuration authoring and validation environment. It aims at bringing determinism to tool configuration by externalizing the configuration definition into a separate model file. The model file is used to check the validity of a configuration instance, browse available options, and generate the necessary source code to access the options values.
Grab the source code. ACE has several dependencies, listed below.
- lemon
- ragel
- RE2
- GTest if testing is enabled
- hjson for HJSON support
- jansson for JSON support
- Python 3.x for Python support
- Lua 5.2.4 for Lua support
- yaml-cpp for YAML support
ACE uses CMake as its build system. To build the project, simply run the following commands:
cd ace
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Tweaking the build process
The cmake
command accepts the following variables (default is shown bold):
: enables the HJSON file plugin. AcceptsON
: enables the JSON file plugin. AcceptsON
: enables the LUA file plugin. AcceptsON
: enables the PYTHON file plugin. AcceptsON
: enables the TOML file plugin. AcceptsON
: enables the YAML file plugin. AcceptsON
: builds the test suite. AcceptsON
The standard cmake
shall be used to alter the
installation prefix:
cd ace
mkdir build
cd build
make install
Getting started
Model definition
The first step is to define a model for our example configuration, saved into a
"header": {
"author": { "name": "John Doe", "email": "jdoe@acme.com" },
"version": "1.0",
"namespace": [ "my", "ns" ],
"doc": "ACME configuration model"
"body": {
"intItem": {
"kind": "integer", "arity": "?",
"doc": "an integer option"
"stringItem": {
"kind": "string", "arity": "1",
"doc": "a string option"
"floatItem": {
"kind": "float", "arity": "*",
"doc": "a float option"
"booleanItem": {
"kind": "boolean", "arity": "+",
"doc": "a boolean option"
This model defines 4 configuration items: a integer item intItem
, a string
item stringItem
, a float item floatItem
, and a boolean item booleanItem
Beside its kind, each item declares its arity and documnetation.
Model transpilation
The second step is to transpile that model into a set of helper classes that can be used in a C++ application.
ace-compile Model.json
The ace-compile
command produces 3 files: an interface header file
, an implementation header file Model.ac.h
, and an implementation
source file Model.ac.cpp
Code integration
The third step is to make use of the generated files in our example application. ACE provides a set of helper functions that simplify that task:
#include <Model.ac.h>
#include <ace/engine/Master.h>
#include <ace/model/Helper.h>
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include <string>
using namespace ace::model::Helper;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Define CLI arguments
TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("ACME Tool", ' ', "0.1");
TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cfgPath("c", "config", "Configuration file",
true, "", "string");
cmd.parse(argc, argv);
// Instantiate the configuration
auto cfg = parseFile<my::ns::Model>(cfgPath.getValue(), false, argc, argv);
if (cfg == nullptr) return -1;
// Use it !
auto const & acme = *cfg;
if (acme.has_intItem()) {
std::cout << "int = " << acme.intItem() << std::endl;
for (auto const & f : acme.floatItem()) {
std::cout << "float = " << f << std::endl;
for (auto const & b : acme.booleanItem()) {
std::cout << "bool = " << b << std::endl;
std::cout << "str = " << acme.stringItem() << std::endl;
return 0;
Please note that the code above makes use of TCLAP
to parse the command line
arguments. This is an arbitrary choice and you are free to use whichever CLI
option parser you wish.
Finally, we are ready to test our application. First, let's compile it using the following Makefile:
CFLAGS = -g3 -x c++ -std=c++11 -I . -I $(ACE_INCLUDE_PATH)
all: clean ace bin
ace-compile -I . Model.json
c++ $(CFLAGS) -c main.cpp
c++ $(CFLAGS) -c Model.ac.cpp
c++ $(LFLAGS) -o main main.o Model.ac.o -lace
rm -f *.ac.* *.o main
Next, let's define a configuration file, in TOML, called config.toml
intItem = 17
stringItem = "Hello!"
floatItem = 3.14
booleanItem = [ true, false, false ]
Finally, let's run our application:
./main -c config.toml
The expected output it:
int = 17
float = 3.14
bool = 1
bool = 0
bool = 0
str = Hello!
Since ACE also supports JSON, Python and Lua, we can also use these configuration files:
"intItem" : 17,
"stringItem" : "Hello!",
"floatItem" : 3.14,
"booleanItem" : [ true, false, false ],
"selectItem" : "hello",
"hello" : "world"
a Python configuration file:
config = {
'intItem' : 17,
'stringItem' : 'Hello!',
'floatItem' : 3.14,
'booleanItem' : [ True, False, False ],
'selectItem': 'hello',
'hello': 'world'
or a Lua configuration file:
config = {
intItem = 17,
stringItem = 'Hello!',
floatItem = 3.14,
booleanItem = { true, false, false }
selectItem = 'hello',
hello = 'world'